Monday, September 12, 2011

What do Scientologists do in Society?

Implicit in the Scientology worldview is a mandate to employ the truths of Scientology to uplift Mankind. Consequently, as Scientology grows, so too the humanitarian programs Scientologists support. Those programs now include:

  • The world’s largest nongovernmental anti-drug campaign, reaching tens of millions of at-risk youth each year;
  • The establishment of drug rehabilitation centers in more than 40 nations;
  • The world’s largest nongovernmental human rights public information campaign, broadly promoting the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
  • Global education programs bringing the gift of literacy to tens of millions of students in America, Europe, Asia and Africa;
  • A Way to Happiness movement spanning 135 nations, uplifting populations and restoring the brotherhood of Man.
  • The Scientology Volunteer Minister program bringing emergency relief to more than 10 million people at every major disaster site through the last twenty years.

Additionally, through the Citizens Commission on Human Rights Scientologists have further spotlighted and worked to outlaw the enforced drugging of schoolchildren, the psychiatric brutalities of electric shock and lobotomy, and biological warfare experiments.

Finally, the Church was among the original champions of the Freedom of Information Actand other access laws to protect the public interest and end government human rights abuses.

In conclusion, then, the Church of Scientology and Scientologists work in alignment with the Aims of Scientology and the dream of a “civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights.”

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Monday, September 05, 2011

Human Rights Education

I love the 30 public service announcement about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that appear on the Scientology website

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Sunday, September 04, 2011

September 11

Where were you on September 11? Do you remember exactly where you heard the news?

I was on a bus.

I totally missed the import of the event. Someone was really upset and was talking about it. That was before I had a Blackberry, and the woman in question often exaggerated things so I fobbed it off as "she always overdoes it."

Then I found out what it was and --- shock. Utter shock.

I think the whole country blanked out for a day or so.

I thought the world would change because of it. I have to say I am largely disappointed.

My church (Scientology) has changed. We have become much more pro-active, much more involved in the community and much more active in outreach to others. A lot of my friends went to Haiti, for example. And some even went to Japan after the tsunami.

But when I look around in society, I am disappointed that what looked like it would prompt a resurgence in activism and social change stopped dead shortly afterwards.

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